A code is a character string that can be freely selected by the website provider and is stored in the INFOnline Measurement (cp variable). It serves to identify the tagged web pages and is the basis for subsequent category/characteristic assignment in the Customer Center according to the KAT 2.0 category model. When evaluating the page count, the codes are recorded and totaled by the system. This allows aggregation of page impressions and visits to (thematically or similarly) related websites.
In the KAT 2.0 category model, one characteristic of each category is maintained per code.
The maintenance of categories, i.e. the assignment of codes to categories in KAT 2.0, must be carried out by the website provider in the INFOnline Customer Center.
However, before you enter the codes in INFOnline Measurement (cp variable), we recommend that you sketch out the Code structure.
Number of codes¶
The total number of active codes should not exceed 3,000
Should you require more than 3,000 active codes for operational or other reasons, this is to be regarded as a chargeable service.
INFOnline uses an alarm system to alert you when the maximum number of codes is exceeded. You will be informed automatically if your digital offering exceeds or approaches the limit of 3,000 active codes.
Code length¶
A code may contain a maximum of 255 characters!
If a code has more than 255 characters, it is truncated after 254 characters and a "+" is inserted as the 255th character. If codes differ only in the part that was truncated, they cannot be distinguished in the INFOnline measurement and accordingly cannot be assigned separately..
Special characters in codes¶
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, comma ",", hyphen "-", underscore "_", slash "/". If characters other than those listed above are used, these characters are replaced by a dot at the beginning of the measurement chain.
Not recommended characters: Question mark "?" and hash "#" If a question mark "?" or a hash "#" is used in the code, the code will only be accepted up to this special character. The special character itself and all following characters are discarded.
Not recommended characters: Backslash " \" If a backslash "\" is used in the code, a different modification is performed depending on the browser in which the request is called. Please do not use a backslash.
Reserved strings¶
For some of our services it is necessary to reserve certain strings at the beginning of a code (prefix).
These are as follows:
Newsletter = Push_ (contains an underscore) HTML newsletters can be counted in our measurement system. To differentiate, a code is prefixed with the string "Push_" when used in a newsletter.
Codes from hybrid apps = ___hyb___ / ___hyb2___ (contains 2 x 3 underscores) This string is used for automatic code assignment synchronisation within a hybrid app and may only be used as an automatic prefix for hybrid codes.
Code identification of mobile content = szmmobil_ (contains an underscore)
- ode identifier for INFOnline = ___saw___ (contains 2 x 3 underscores)
The strings "___hyb___" as well as "___hyb2___" must not be used as a code and the string "___saw___" must not be used at the beginning of a code!