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Decentralized JavaScript


Please consider the exception request for the decentralized javascript (DE only)

Service scope

This service allows you to deliver the measurement script from your own server, i.e. measurement with decentralized JavaScript.


Measuring your digital offering via decentralized JavaScript is not recommended by INFOnline. Please note that this constellation entails the following disadvantages:

  • As part of the operation and further development of the measurement, it is necessary to use updated versions of the measurement script.
    to be used. These necessary adjustments to the measurement script are not automatically transferred to your system.
  • The delivery of the measurement script via your system is not monitored by INFOnline Monitoring. Malfunctions during delivery and the
    resulting loss of range will not be automatically detected by INFOnline.
  • INFOnline does not assume any warranty for the correct determination of the usage of your website.
  • This will result in higher operating expenses and additional costs on your part.

Order / Commissioning

To make use of the service of measurement with decentralized JavaScript, please contact the INFOnline Customer Service Team.

The further procedure until the service is provided is as follows:

  • INFOnline verifies whether there are any reasons that prevent the technical release of decentralized JavaScript measurement for your offer.
  • You download the exception request ↵.
  • You send the completed and signed exception request back to us
  • You receive confirmation that the exception request has been received INFOnline forwards the application
    • If your digital offering is registered with IVW: to the IVW office
    • If your digital offering participates in the agof studies: to the agof GS
  • The included offices send the application with the decision back to INFOnline.
  • You will receive a notification about the decision of the included offices.
  • Provided no objection has been lodged, INFOnline will contact you to clarify the technical implementation and quality assurance. In this step, you will receive the specific JavaScript for your offer as well as further information on the setup. After successful implementation and Customized Services & Quality Assurance (QA), INFOnline releases


The option of measurement with decentralized JavaScript must be set up separately on the measurement system for each digital offering. Furthermore, INFOnline will provide you with a specific JavaScript for integrating decentralized measurement.

The setup in the SZMnG system as well as the necessary technical information for implementation will be confirmed and made available to you by INFOnline after all necessary prerequisites have been checked.

Processing time

The duration of the process described is usually 4-8 weeks.


The term of the "Metering with Decentralized JavaScript" service shall commence upon INFOnline's confirmation to you that the setup in the metering system has taken place and shall end upon termination of the service or upon termination of the metering contract for the corresponding digital offer.


The notice period is always 4 weeks to the end of the quarter. It is sufficient to send an e-mail with the reason for termination to the following address: If you cancel the metering of the digital offer, the service will automatically expire.


All prices described below are net plus VAT. Invoices are issued quarterly in advance.

The costs for measurement with decentralized JavaScript are calculated as follows:

Setup (one-time) ... 1,600 Euro

A one-time fee of €1,600 is charged for setting up the service for your digital offering. The fee will only apply once the exception requests have been approved by all participating organizations.

Annual fee ... (€1,600)

The operation of the decentralized JavaScript measurement is charged at € 1,600 per year. In addition, there is a flat fee of 400 € per change of the measurement script.

Changes to the measurement script (flat rate) ... (400 Euro)

A flat rate of 400 € per change of the measurement script.

Technical requirements


The JavaScript created specifically for your offer is to be stored by you on a web server that is accessible from the Internet. It should be possible to access the content in encrypted form via https.

Please ensure that the web server provides sufficient resources for reliable and high-performance provision of the JavaScript, even in the event of peak usage of your digital offering.

INFOnline cannot provide any support in solving problems that are caused by the delivery of the JavaScript hosted by you.


In deviation from the standard tag integration (see document "INFOnline Integration Guide SZM Tag"), the path to the JavaScript must be adapted accordingly when integrating it into your website:

Integration in the HEAD Note: The call in the HEAD area must not contain a line break.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<your domain>/<your path>/iam.js"> </script>


Calling the JavaScript in the BODY of your website corresponds to the standard implementation as described in the document "INFOnline Integration Guide SZM Tag".


After you have integrated the measurement with decentralized JavaScript into your offering, please contact the INFOnline Customer Service Team again. INFOnline will verify the implementation of the integration and, provided there are no objections from the measurement system's point of view, will issue a release for the integration.

Please note that this release applies only to the integration status considered at the moment of verification and INFOnline cannot assume any responsibility for correct measurement.

Last update: July 18, 2023