Publication Publishing Benchmark¶
Service Description v2.1 | 30.08.2024
Scope of Service¶
INFOnline will publish the Qualified Clients (monthly value, daily value) measured with INFOnline Measurement for the sites listed by the client in the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard at the next possible date after separate commissioning.
The Qualified Client is a new journalistic Reach Benchmark metric - provided by INFOnline in co-operation with the IVW and in close coordination with the two associations 'Der Bundesverband Digitalpublisher und Zeitungsverleger' (BDZV) and 'Medienverband der freien Presse e.V.' (MVFP).
The Qualified Client (QClient) briefly explained:
The Qualified Client introduces a new module for evaluating journalistic quality with valid and neutral criteria. This "Device Reach" helps you to record which of your sites are consumed with what intensity of use.
The monthly and daily qualified clients of all sites participating in the publication can be viewed in the dashboard. A seasonally adjusted trend analysis of the daily values is also available to analyse the medium and long-term success of your sites.
Requirements for publishing with the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard:
- Separate registration of your site(s) for Publishing Benchmark.
- Your site is measured with INFOnline Measurement, including Qualified Clients. (Publication of Qualified Clients was ordered separately).
- The usage data of your site is published in the respective current monthly IVW reporting. A non-publication in the monthly IVW reporting also leads to a non-publication of the Qualified Clients in the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard.
- The usage data of your site is published in the respective current daily IVW reporting. A non-publication in the daily IVW reporting also leads to a non-publication of the daily (and possibly also monthly) Qualified Clients as well as the trend data in the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard.
Adjustments and changes to this service are possible at any time by INFOnline. INFOnline will notify you of any adjustments in advance and in good time by e-mail.
Order / Commissioning¶
You can order the additional service Publishing Benchmark via the INFOnline Order Center. (Login with INFOnline customer login). Here you can see the registration status of all your sites.
After the order has been placed, the client receives a confirmation of receipt, including a summary of the order. If information is still missing, INFOnline contacts the ordering party. The duration of order processing may vary depending on the scope of the order and any approvals that may be required.
Depending on the association to which you belong, it is also possible for your association to commission the service. For this purpose, please consult your association contact person. If this is the case, INFOnline will regularly inform the site contact in advance by e-mail.
If registered by the 5th of the month, the desired publication status can be considered for the first time for Qualified Clients of the previous month for the upcoming publication.
When registering after the 5th of a month, the desired publication status can be considered for the first time for the Qualified Clients of the current month for the publication in the following month.
Provision / Publication¶
Monthly and daily values as well as the daily trend data are freely accessible in the dashboard.
The publication of your Qualified Clients in the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard will take place in consideration of deadlines and requirements for sites to be added as of the next possible publication. Please note the deadline (5th of the month) for registering or deregistering your sites (see 'Deadlines').
The monthly values are regularly published 2 working days after the respective current IVW publication (see IVW dates). The daily values are already published from the day following the registration.
Please see our FAQs for the current dates for the Publishing Benchmark publications in 2024.
A retroactive change of the publication status of your site is not possible. Adjustments are considered in due time.
You can view and manage your authorized contact persons at any time via the user administration for the Publishing Benchmark Dashboard.
The service term applies from confirmation by INFOnline until termination of the service or until termination of the measurement contract for the respective site.
The additional service Publishing Benchmark at is currently free of charge. Changes will be communicated in advance by INFOnline via e-mail.
Termination / Deregistration¶
You can cancel the additional service Publishing Benchmark via the INFOnline Order Center (Login with INFOnline customer login).
After deregistration, the client receives a confirmation of receipt, including an order summary. If information is still missing, INFOnline contacts the client. The duration of processing the order may vary depending on the scope as well as on any approvals that may be required.
If you cancel the measurement of all your sites, the service will automatically expire on the effective date of the termination of the measurement contract. The data of the last measurement month will be published as usual.
Data that has already been published remains available in the dashboard.
If you deregister by the 5th of the month, the changed publication status can be taken into account for the first time for the upcoming publication.
In case of deregistration after the 5th of a month, the changed publication status can be taken into account for the first time for the publication in the following month.
Note: The data already published remains available even after the site has been removed from the service.
Description of the 'Qualified Client' metric¶
Qualified Client¶
A Qualified Client (QClient for short) is an end device used by at least one person (e.g. stationary computer, tablet, smartphone, hbbTV etc.) from which sites are accessed by means of a browser or app.
In order to identify a QClient it is necessary that the end device used by the user is recognized on at least two different days. The qualification of a client can take place in the entire INFOnline (DE) measurement universe. Especially in the case of client identification with the help of 3rd-party identifiers, such as 3rd-party cookie ID, a client can thus also qualify on two different sites.
The metric is the result of a purely technical measurement. There is no data enrichment through panel solutions or data modeling.
Metric | Description | Availability |
Monthly Qualified Client | Number of unique Qualified Clients counted in the selected month for the particular sites. The value does not indicate the number of times a Qualified Client was recorded for the site in that month. | Monthly publication of the previous month on "" or in IDAS under INFOnline Measurement in the aggregation "Month". The values between the publication and IDAS may differ, among other things due to sanctions following the IVW audit. |
Daily Qualified Client | Number of unique Qualified Clients counted on the selected day for the respective site. The addition of the daily values of a month differs from the monthly Qualified Client, as a unique Qualified Client can be counted on several days in the month, but counts as only one unique Qualified Client for the monthly value. | Daily publication of the prior-previous-day's values on "" or in IDAS under INFOnline Measurement in the aggregation "Day". The values between the publication and IDAS may differ, among other things due to sanctions following the IVW audit. |
Seasonally adjusted trend analysis - daily qualified client | Trend analysis of daily qualified clients, adjusted for seasonal effects and anomalies. The STL method (Seasonal and Trend decomposition using LOESS) is used for this purpose. | Daily publication Time series analysis of the daily Qualified Clients on ‘’. Please note that IVW sanctions also influence the trend analysis of the daily data. |
- Publishing Benchmark Dashboard:
- Qualified Client as metric: www.INFOnline/qclient
- Frontend for registration and deregistration:
- FAQs: