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Checklist for commissioning INFOnline Measurement

You want to migrate?

If your offer is already measured and you only want to migrate to the new measurement system, please follow our Migration Guide.

1 Setup of your digital offer at INFOnline

Please choose between

  • You already have a customer account
  • You do not have a customer account yet (register as a new customer)

2 Order INFOnline Measurement

Where can I find the access data?

Please use the access data we sent you by e-mail.

**Please choose between

Variant 1: with INFOnline hosting service for the service platform

Register your digital offer with INFOnline.

  • Call up Order Center and order measurement (top tile on the far left)
  • Receive setup mail 1 with identifier, order 'Hosting Service Platform' (bottom tile in the middle) order in Order Center

Integration of measurement

  • Setup mail 2 with CNAMEs received, deposit CNAMEs in your domain administration
  • Order activation of service platform via mail to INFOnline Support: Confirmation of deposit of CNAMEs to

Variant 2: without INFOnline hosting service for the service platform

Register your digital offer with INFOnline [ ] Order Center

  • Call up Order Center and order measurement (top tile on the far left)

Integrate the measurement

  • Send host entry, under which the self-hosted service platform will be accessible, by e-mail to INFOnline Support at
  • AccessToken for activation of service platform (self-hosted) received with setup mail 2

3 Integration of measurement / if required: IVW registration

Last update: July 21, 2023