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Configuration via code export and import in the Code Management module.

In the Code Management KAT 2.0 area, it is possible to manage codes and their assignment as well as to edit the code assignment. In addition to editing within the Customer Center, it is also possible to export the code assignment as an Excel file in CSV format (code export). After the export, the file can be edited offline and then imported back into the system. In the process, the information to be imported is validated (code import). This function is available for all offers that need to be assigned according to the category system 2.0.


Please note that code export as well as code import are functional only if less than 10,000 codes are displayed in the Customer Center. If there are more codes, the code export and code import cannot be guaranteed.

In case you use too many codes in the Customer Center, please contact the support ( to have the codes deleted from the system. Please note that deletion is a chargeable service. You can also get more information about this from the support.

The content of the CSV file

The CSV file (code export) is structured as follows:

  • The first lines of the CSV file contain the categories.
  • x] After that - if available - the unassigned codes are listed.

The columns of the CSV file are divided as follows and correspond to the contents that are visible in the Code Management KAT 2.0 of the Customer Center.

  • Column A Code
  • Column B Code Description
  • Column C Language
  • Column D Format
  • Column E Producer
  • Column F Homepage
  • Column G Delivery
  • Column H App
  • Column I Paid Content / Paid Service
  • Column J Content

The code export

In the code management there is the possibility to download the code mappings as CSV file by mouse click and to edit them afterwards. Code mappings can be created, modified and cancelled. In addition, descriptions of codes can be created and changed. In addition, new codes can also be created for the offer. Deleted and blocked codes are not included in the code export.

The code import

After editing, the updated code assignment can be uploaded back into the system. You can access the code import via the Code Management KAT 2.0 in the Customer Center.

After calling the code import, you have to log in to the tool using the login information of the Customer Center (analogous e.g. to the analysis tool IDAS).

The import is performed in three steps, which are numbered consecutively in the tool:

  • First, in the first step, select an offer from the drop-down menu.
  • In the second step, you select the data you have edited and want to import. With the selection of the file, the validation of the contents of this file takes place in this step. After the validation you will receive the result of the check. You can decide whether you want to import the validated rows. In addition, a log file gives you insight into any errors found, which you must correct accordingly in the original import file in order to be able to upload the lines to the system.
  • In the third step, the validated lines that have been found to be correct are then imported into Code Management KAT 2.0.

Format description

The downloaded CSV file has the following format properties:

  • Separator is the semicolon.
  • x] Each line ends with a DOS/Windows line break
  • x] Encoding is UTF8 without BOM / signature

Syntax check

  • Generally only ".csv" files are accepted. Please note that there is a code limit of maximum 3,000 codes. Additional lines will be ignored. If you want to use more than 3,000 codes, it is imperative that you coordinate this in advance (!) with the INFOnline Customer Service team.
  • The CSV file is checked in detail before import.
  • All errors found are stored in the log file.

The CSV must be imported in CSV format ( CSV, separator separated) with the UTF8 character set without BOM / signature. Importing other CSV formats (Macintosh, MS-DOS-CSV, UTF8 with BOM) will not be imported. You will receive a corresponding error message in the log file.

In the following cases, the import of one line of the file is rejected and an error message is created within the log file:

  1. if there are incorrect values within the categories. The correct values are:


  • German
  • Other language, content checkable
  • Other language, content not checkable


  • Image / Text
  • Audio Stream
  • Video Stream
  • Other dynamic formats


  • Editorial
  • User
  • Unknown


  • Homepage of the offer
  • No homepage
  • Homepage of third-party domains for multi-offers


  • Online
  • Mobile
  • Connected TV


  • App
  • No app

Paid Content:

  • Paid
  • Not assigned


  • Social Networking - Private
  • Social Networking - Business
  • Dating
  • newsletter
  • E-mail / SMS / E-Cards
  • Messenger / Chat
  • Other (Networking / Communication)
  • News / News
  • sports
  • Entertainment / Boulevard / Stars / Film / Music
  • Fashion / Beauty
  • Family / Children / Life Support
  • Love / Psychology / Relationships
  • Vehicles / Traffic / Mobility
  • Travel / Tourism
  • Computers
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Telecommunications / Internet Services
  • games
  • Living / Real Estate / Garden / Household
  • Economy / Finance / Job / Career
  • Health Services
  • Food / Drink
  • Art / Culture / Literature
  • Eroticism
  • Science / Education / Nature / Environment
  • Offer information
  • Miscellaneous (multithematic)
  • Miscellaneous (monothematic)
  • General Games Page
  • Casual Games
  • Core Games
  • Miscellaneous (games section)
  • Search Engines
  • Directories / Directory assistance
  • Other (Search engines / directories section)
  • Online stores / Shopping mall / Auctions / B2B marketplaces
  • Real estate classifieds / Classifieds
  • Jobs classifieds / Classifieds
  • Vehicles classifieds / Classifieds
  • Other classifieds / Classifieds
  • Other (E-commerce section)
  1. if the code is not named by default.
  • The default is: The code must be alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and may contain (only!) the following special characters: comma ","; hyphen "-"; underscore "_"; slash "/".
  1. special case of hybrid codes:
  • If codes with hybrid prefix are not allowed to be used in the selected digital offer, the prefix hyb must not be used.
  • If the hybrid prefix is allowed to be used in the digital offer, the codes may not be allowed to be changed. If this error occurs, please contact INFOnline technical support.
  • Hybrid codes may only be changed, but not created!
  1. an error in one of the columns excludes the entire line from upload, as there are only two states of codes:
  • "not assigned" (all 8 characteristics without assignment).
  • or
  • "completely assigned" (all 8 characteristics with an assignment). 5.
  1. if a code has a length of more than 255 characters, it will be truncated at the 254th digit during import. At the 255th position, a "+" is inserted as the last character.

Errors are written to an error log file. The following information is given:

  • The line number of the file
  • The name of the code in which the error was identified
  • The column number in which the error was identified
  • The name of the column in which the error was identified.

Editing the CSV file

Using code export and code import, it is possible to create code assignments and unassign codes, as well as create new codes. One potential use is to transfer KAT 2.0 code mappings from one (e.g., mobile) digital offering to another digital offering (e.g., the corresponding stationary offering).

It should be noted in the example shown that the delivery would have to be changed accordingly.

  • It is not possible to delete or block codes via the code export or code import!
  • However, it is possible to reactivate codes that have been blocked or deleted in the system by importing them.

In general, the following should be noted:

  • Only 1 code may be specified per line.
  • All codes that are not included in the file will not be processed and will not be changed in the code management!

Create code assignments

To assign an existing code to KAT 2.0, the code must be entered in an empty line (column A). If a code with the same KAT 2.0 assignment already exists, this line can be copied. The code in column A must then be replaced by the new code to be assigned.

Change existing code assignments

To change an existing code assignment, the characteristics of the corresponding code in one or more of the category columns must be changed according to the specifications.

Create new codes

It is possible to add new codes, i.e. codes that are not yet known to the system, to the system using the code export/import function.

In order to enter a new code WITH assignment into the system, the new code must be entered in column A. All eight category column cells must be filled in according to the existing specifications!

To enter a new code WITHOUT assignment into the system, the new code must only be entered in column A. All eight category column cells must be left empty!

An only partial code assignment is technically prevented and leads to an error message.

Cancel code assignment

To remove an existing code assignment, all eight category column cells must be cleared for the corresponding code.

Create, change and delete code descriptions

To create a description for a code, the description of the code must be entered in the corresponding "Code Description" column cell (column B).

To change a description to a code, overwrite the corresponding "Code Description" column cell (column B).

An empty entry in a column cell "Code Description" (column B) deletes - if available - an existing code description.

Save the CSV file


Please always use the "Save" function and please do NOT use the "Save As" function. This will prevent your CSV from getting a BOM signature.

The CSV file must be saved with the character set (encoding) UTF8 without BOM (UTF8 without signature), otherwise the file will not be loaded in the code import.

We recommend that you edit the exported CSV using, for example, a text editor of your choice. It is important that your CSV is always saved without a signature (BOM).

Excel uses the ANSI character set when saving by default. Switching to UTF8 is not a solution, as Windows uses the UTF8 character set with BOM / signature.

If you want to do your editing in Microsoft Excel, it is mandatory that no additional spreadsheets or similar are added.

Last update: July 18, 2023