Deployment / Requirements¶
The following describes the technical integration of the IOMbLibrary into an iOS project structure.
The IOMbLib iOS is provided as an XCFramework and can be integrated into an iOS app project in several ways:
- manually (see manual integration).
- CocoaPods (s. Integration via CocoaPods)
- Swift Package Manager (s. Integration via Swift Package Manager)
All ways of integration are equivalent and without functional difference.
IOMbLib iOS only supports integration via the Xcode development environment on macOS.
Development environment¶
- macOS 13 (Ventura) and higher
- iOS SDK 17 and higher
- Xcode 15 or higher
- Objective-C or Swift
iOS Apps using the IOMb Lib iOS must be compiled with at least iOS SDK 17.
Deployment target must be set to at least iOS 12.0.
Operating system/platform¶
IOMb Lib iOS supports operation on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. The IOMb Lib iOS requires iOS 12.0 or higher for operation.
A new version of Xcode or the iOS operating system may make it necessary to update IOMb Lib iOS. Full upward compatibility may not be guaranteed.